Frequently Asked Questions

Questions & Answers

As we get questions from time to time, we will post them here with our response. If you don’t see an answer to the question you have, send us an email and we will respond as quickly as we can.

The following Q&A are shown below:

  1. Do I have to use my “real name” when I register? I would like to remain anonymous.

    You can use any name you want. You do not have to use your “real” name. However, when you “pay” for your BroomsMen Membership, if you choose to use a Credit Card, you will have to enter credit card information that will require your name. We use an online Credit Card Processing System to handle all transactions. We do NOT store any credit card information on our Servers. The only thing we get from the Processor is a verification code that the transaction was successful (or not) and the last 4 numbers of your credit card number. See HERE for other available payment options (check, money-order, cash, etc.)

    If you truly wish to remain anonymous, we do have payment options that will enable you to do that. See the Payment Options section for details.

  2. I have registered under my “real” name, but I want to change it to a different name. Can I do that?

    Yes, we have a menu item that will allow you to change the name you use and/or password any time you want.

  3. I tried to Log in to my account, but it is telling me that someone else is currently logged in to my account. What does this mean?

    The BroomsMen.Org website will not allow two people to login with the same Username at the same time. If you are logged in and another person tries to log in to your account, they will receive an error message. For this reason it is important that you LOG OFF from the system when you are finished with a session (use the Log Off button). This will tell the system that you are finished. If you are using the system and fail to LOG OFF correctly when you are done ... and then immediately try to log back into the system, you will get an error because the system still thinks you are using it. You will have to wait a period of time before the system lets you back in. This is a security feature.

  4. Why do you charge $$ for a Broomsmen Membership? It should be free!

    Our philosophy is simple. We charge a Membership Fee because we want you to have “skin in the game”. If it gives you heartburn to pay $50/yr to be part of a MOVEMENT then you certainly won’t get in your car and travel 100 miles to attend a BroomsMen Event. We would rather have a few Members that are willing to get involved and step up than a thousand people that sit on the sidelines.

    There is no “free” in life. Somebody pays for it. Initiation and Membership Fees from individuals are our only source of money. We are not backed by a Billionaire, Social Media Giant, Political Organization or Lobby Group. We do not sell your information or post Ads on our website to generate revenue. However, we still must pay for office rent, data center costs, legal, accounting, Tech Support and so on. The money we raise goes to support operating expenses and the Mission of BroomsMen.Org.

  5. I produce a PodCast, publish Articles/Blog or belong to an Organization that targets some of the same Strategic Goals as BroomsMen.Org. I would like to be listed as a Reference so that BroomsMen Members can access my Website/Articles/PodCast. How can I do that?

    We encourage any Subject Matter Expert, Organization, Blogger or Podcast Host that is in alignment with the goals and objectives of the BroomsMen Movement to “register” as a Reference on our Website. There is no charge (as in Free) for the listing. We will provide you with access to a Reference Provider Portal that will allow you to upload a Company Logo, craft a short description of what you do and create a “link” to your Website/Blog/Podcast or Articles. This will allow BroomsMen Members to follow your work and be better informed of “the issues of the day”. For more information, see our Reference Provider Page.

  6. I am currently a Reference listed on the website for BroomsMen Members. I notice there are 6 spots for Contributors on the Member Homepage that report on news and current events. I would like to ALSO be a Contributor. How can I do that?

    We encourage any Subject Matter Expert, Organization, Blogger or Podcast Host that is in alignment with the goals and objectives of the BroomsMen Movement to “apply” to be a Contributor on our Website. There is no charge (as in Free) for the listing. A Contributor is much more than simply a Reference. As a Contributor we expect you to provide current commentary on the issues of the day with updates at least weekly and preferably more often.

    We will provide you with access to a Contributor Portal that will allow you to upload an image, craft a short description of your Content and create a “link” to your Website/Blog/Podcast or Articles such that BroomsMen Members can learn more. This will allow Members to follow your work and be better informed of “the issues of the day”. For more information, see our Contributor Provider Page.

  7. Membership Payment Refund Policy

    As a general rule, there are NO refunds. You may access your online account and cancel your Membership at any time. A cancellation means that you will continue to have Membership Access for the remainder of the time period, but it will NOT be renewed for the next year. Of course, every policy has exceptions for extenuating circumstances. For example, if a card is lost/stolen or has been used fraudulently, we will happily refund the payment. If you find that your card was used without your authorization, contact your Provider (Bank) and “dispute” the charge. They will contact the Online Processor, who in turn, will flag the account charge. If investigation verifies that a card was used fraudulently, we will promptly refund the payment. More information may be found on the Refund Policy page of BroomsMen.Org.

  8. The “Code of Conduct” says that I cannot bring a weapon to events. I have a Conceal/Carry Permit. Why can’t I bring my firearm?

    Our objective is to minimize opportunities for conflict. We understand your “rights”, however we feel that peaceful protest, with the absence of firearms is in everyone’s interest. The only exception will be Certified Law Enforcement Officers functioning in the capacity of Security Personnel. These persons will be selected and designated prior to the event and known to attendees as authorized personnel. They will only carry sidearms, no long guns. If you ARE currently law enforcement and are willing to assist with Security, let us know in your Profile and we will put your name on the list.

  9. Can I bring helmets, shields, body armor and other equipment to protect myself from radical counter-protestors that may attack us?

    Yes. However, depending on the “event” (Protest, Picket, etc.) the type of event should dictate the equipment needed. If we are safeguarding monuments of George Washington or the Vietnam War Memorial from radical elements then protective equipment is certainly appropriate. If we are Picketing in front of the corporate offices of a Sports Team, then probably not.

  10. I got hurt during a Protest Event (twisted my ankle). Will BroomsMen pay for my medical expenses?

    No. BroomsMen.Org simply provides a PLATFORM that helps Patriotic Americans “mobilize” and have their voices heard. We only provide tools to allow YOU to schedule/facilitate peaceful events and gatherings and do not control/guarantee your safety or suggest that an event would be injury free. You are on your own. We suggest that all members have health insurance.

  11. I want to organize an event in my city to protest a local politician. How can I do that?

    Login to your BroomsMen Member Account and locate the menu item “Sponsor an Event”. Fill out the relevant details and POST your thoughts. We generally like to get at least 10 other “local” members that are willing to participate with you before we would schedule an event and make it available to the complete national membership and calendar.

  12. I don’t like a local politician’s stand on a tax issue. Can I submit it so BroomsMen can protest against him/her?

    Generally speaking ... No. The objective of BroomsMen is to be non-partisan as much as possible. However, this can be a tough call. For example, local tax issues, city council votes and other issues NOT related to our Mission, are best addressed at the ballot box via local elections. When issues cross over into “unPatriotic or unAmerican behavior” then it becomes fair game. For example, a school in San Francisco, CA removed a mural of George Washington from their Lobby, or a city wants to take down statues of historical figures, or rename schools. These examples all happened and are covered by our Mission Statement.

  13. I heard “on the street” that some protesters are going to damage/remove some statues in my city. How do I let someone know so we can organize an event to protect the monument?

    Login to your BroomsMen Member Account and locate the menu item “Sponsor an Event”. Fill out the relevant details or what you have heard and POST your thoughts. We generally like to get at least 10 other “local” members that are willing to participate with you before we would schedule an event and make it available to the complete national membership and calendar.

  14. I work for one of the “Deep State” Agencies that is assigned to keep tabs on the BroomsMen Movement. I am a Patriot and have some information to share. Who do I contact?

    Login to your BroomsMen Member Account and navigate to the Intel Upload menu item. Of course, you can always send the Founder a “message” via the internal messaging feature.
