Items in the News

Reference Sources

The following news stories have been posted on the internet. For additional details and a full text of the article or video, please go to the News Source and/or Website referenced in the listing (if available).

Intolerance and Damage by radical elements

The following examples show the effects of “out of control” political correctness, cancel culture, rioting and the aggressive tactics of radical elements. This will continue and get worse until the American Public finally stands up and says “enough”.

  • Damage to George Washington Statue and burning American Flag.
  • On the 22nd day of continuous protest in Portland, Oregon ... a statue of George Washington was draped in a burning American Flag and then toppled outside the German American Society offices. Reported 06/19/2020 by CNN, CBS News, Time and others.

  • Michigan Attorney General suggests “drag queens” should be in every school.
  • As reported on 06/15/2022, Michigan Attorney General, Dana Nessel made comments during a civil rights conference in Lansing. She reportedly said “drag queens make everything better” and that there should be “a drag queen for every school”. Her remarks were apparently in response to recent legislation in Florida that seeks to ban sexually oriented teaching materials from kindergartners. The full story is available via Craig Mauger of the Detroit News.

  • Job offer for School Superintendent WITHDRAWN by School Board after male candidate addresses female committee members as “ladies”.
  • Easthampton School District, Massachusetts, March 2023. According to an article in the Guardian (4-2-2023) a former high school principle was being hired for the job of School District Superintendent. Mr. Vito Perrone was initially offered the position. However, during subsequent benefits discussions via email he had refered to female members of the School Board Committee as “ladies”. His employment offer was canceled. According to Mr. Perrone, Chairwoman Kwiecinski informed him that his use of the term “ladies” was a microaggression and “the fact that he did not know that, as an educator, was a problem”. Mr. Perrone indicated he was shocked by this as he regularly would use the terms “ladies” and “gentlemen” as a sign of respect. Apparently, the Easthampton School District equates respect with microaggression.

  • Vietnamese restaurant owner in Chicago gets death threats for attending Trump Rally.
  • As reported on 01/08/2021, a Vietnamese restaurant owner in Chicago, and his employees have received hate mail and death threats from radical elements for attending a peaceful Trump Rally. So much for the cancel culture and tolerance of the left for differing political views. See full story at Today, 01/08/2021.

  • North Dakota school board axes “Pledge of Allegiance” from their meetings because phrase “Under God” is not inclusive enough.
  • As reported on 8-12-22 the Fargo School Board voted 7-2 to drop the Pledge of Allegiance from their meetings because it is not inclusive to all religions (or non-religions). Fargo Board Vice-President Seth Holden spearheaded the effort to remove the pledge. See the Daily Mail article by Alyssa Guzman for additional details.

  • Husband-wife team of Missouri Lawyers charged with crime for standing outside their home with guns as a BLM mob approached their house.
  • In 6/2020 a riotous BLM mob approached their house. They both grabbed guns and stood out in front of their house to protect their property. They were subsequently charged with a crime for standing their ground and protecting their property. And the BLM rioters? Nothing.

  • Minnesota Bank & Trust, Bank for MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell cancels relationship.
  • In 2/2020, Minnesota Bank & Trust, longtime bank for MyPillow CEO announced that they were terminating their business relationship with him effective 2/18/2022. A sad day when someone is discriminated against for standing on principle.

  • George Washington Statue vandalized in Baltimare, Md.
  • Statue of George Washington was defaced and covered in red paint in Baltimore, Md. For additional details see WMAR-2 News for pictures and the storyline.

  • Virginia Police Officer fired for donating $25 to a legal defense fund.
  • As reported on 04/21/2021, a Virginia Police officer for the City of Norfolk, VA has been fired for donating $25 to the legal defense fund of Kyle Rittenhouse, a teenager accused in a shooting that occured during a violent protest in Kenosha, WI. The defense (and video evidence) seems to support self-defense while the Wisconsin Prosecutor claims murder. The “cancel culture” appears alive and well in Norfolk, VA. See full story at Today, 01/08/2021.

  • Disney (via Pixar Films) includes same-sex kissing in childrens movie.
  • In the 2022 film release of Lightyear by Disney’s Pixar Films, director Angus MacLane discloses in an interview that they purposely wanted to promote same-sex marriage to their young audience. He is quoted as saying “What you saw is what we wanted, so I’m really pleased with the end result”. See the Yahoo Entertainment article (6/15/2022) for a full text of the interview.

  • Kansas teacher suspended for using an “incorrect” pronoun.
  • As reported on 9-6-22 a middle-school teacher in Kansas (Pamela Ricard) was suspended by the Fort Riley Middle School for refusing to refer to a biological female trans student as “he/him”. She was ordered to take “gender diversity” training. She eventually took legal action against the school district and they “settled”. See the online publication Go2Tutors for the full article.

  • California High School removes mural of George Washington.
  • A high school in San Francisco, CA, named after George Washington, removes a mural to make a statement that they are not proud to be associated with the Founding Father and first President of the United States. See AP Archive for details of this story with associated pictures of the mural being removed.

  • Kroger grocery chain accused of firing workers that refused to wear LBGT inspired Logo.
  • Kroger is being accused of violating federal law for allegedly firing two employees who refused to wear a rainbow emblem, which they believe contradicted their religious beliefs. For details see Fox Business story.

  • Uncle Ben’s rice changes name to a more “equitable” brand
  • Uncle Ben’s rice products will be labelled as “Ben’s Original” and will no longer feature a bow-tied black man on the packaging. You may read stories from BBC Business, Reuters and Yahoo News on this topic.

  • Writer of the US National Anthem has statue vandalized.
  • Protestors in San Francisco, CA, destroy statues of Ulysses S. Grant, Francis Scott Key (writer of the “Star Spangled Banner”) and George Washington. A variety of videos and stories are available including sources at Black Eye Politics, News Guide, etc.

  • Protesters in Florida violate elderly couple trying to have dinner.
  • Florida couple confronted by marchers protesting charges in the death of Breonna Taylor. A man and woman were eating at a sidewalk cafe when marchers, angry with the charges in the Breonna Taylor case, interrupted their dinner and accosted them. See the full story as reported by Inside Edition CBS.

  • Cal State Professor reminds white people they cannot come to her Juneteenth cookout.
  • Melina Abdullah, Cal State Los Angeles professor of Pan-African Studies recently sent out a notice (6/13/2022) in advance of a Juneteenth celebration. In her notice, she states ... “Attention white people ... Please don't ask if you can come to the cookout ... Juneteenth is freedom day for Black folks”. Abdullah has a history of speaking out against almost anything white. She even tried to get the organization Young Americans for Freedom group canceled on campus. Can you imagine if a white person said what she said?

  • BLM Protesters target diners at a restaurant in Washington D.C. demanding solidarity.
  • A large group of BLM Protesters stand over a woman diner yelling and shaking their fists when the woman declines to also “raise her fist” in support of the protesters. The woman is forced back against the wall as the protesters move in. See the Story as posted by the Independent on August 26, 2020.

  • Google suspends conservative publishers Ad Account for Childrens Book.
  • Author Kash Patel had his publishers Google Ad Account suspended (5/2022). The book is a re-telling of the Russia Collusion hoax in terms that young readers can understand. Google sent a “suspended” notification to the book publisher. On appeal, Google eventually reinstated the Account. However, Big Tech has made their point ... they can censor and suspend anyone/anything that they don’t like. Very sad.

  • Disney drops “Fairy Godmother” title for gender-neutral “apprentices”.
  • As reported on 7/25/2022 Disney is changing it’s Fairy Godmother title in order to be more inclusive for those that may self-identify as something other than female. This will be implemented at the Disney Theme Parks in Florida and California for those cast members that work at the “Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutiques”. At these Boutiques children ages 3 to 12 get “Princess Makeovers” by Disney Cast Members. This is just a reminder to be vigilant when you take your 4 year old daughter in to get her “makeover”. Does your assigned Fairy Godmother have a beard? See the story by Elise Sole as posted by TODAY on July 25, 2022.

  • Pro Athletes kneel in disrespect of America as the National Anthem is played.
  • We have numerous pictures of Pro Athletes representing pro-Football, pro-Basketball and Major League Baseball all kneeling in disrespect of the American Flag during the playing of the National Anthem. These teams should be boycotted.

  • Chicago Mayor bows to the will of protesters and removes statue of Christopher Columbus from Grant Park.
  • After “out of control” protesters in Chicago deface statues in some of Chicago’s Parks, Mayor Lori Lightfoot signs orders to remove statues. Bending to the will of protesters, the statues are removed in the dead of night. Multiple references to this story are available with pictures of the nightime removal. See Fox News, WATE 6, NowThis News and others for details.

  • Supreme Court Justices have their homes and families targeted by protesters.
  • With the recent (6/2022) Roe vs Wade supreme court decision, the homes of several Justices have been the targets of Protesters. There has even been death threats against them. In violation of Federal Law, The US Department-of-Justice has failed to take appropriate action to protect the integrity and safety of the court. This is one more example of how the DOJ has become a tool of the Leftist Narrative and has failed in its mission. You can thank Attorney General Merrick Garland for the inaction.

  • USC Professor placed on leave for using Chinese word that “affected mental health” of Black Students.
  • USC professor was placed on leave after black students complained his pronunciation of a Chinese word, in a language class, sounded like a racial slur and affected their mental health. You may see the full story at the National Review posted 9/3/2020.

  • Amazon Web Services (AWS) cancels web-hosting of services, exercising censorship.
  • Amazon has exercised censorship by suspending some hosted websites of free-speech advocates (most notably Parler) for what they claim is “terms of service” violations. Industry observers point to a “leftist bias” on the part of Amazon as left-leaning/Marxist content is mostly allowed while conservative views appear to be the ones that are censored.

  • Ariel Pink, Punk Rocker, dropped from Label for attending a Trump Rally.
  • Ariel Pink, was a casualty of the Cancel Culture. His recording Label dropped him upon hearing that he simply attended a political rally in support of President Trump. Reported by the LA Times, Variety, Pitchfork, Fox News and others.

  • Military to rename Bases and Facilities to expunge anything associated with Confederate Leaders.
  • The US Military is now becoming an unwitting pawn in the Cancel Culture. They have been directed to “rename” bases and facilities to remove symbols and names that honor Confederate Leaders.

  • Google’s YouTube has removed Steve Bannon’s podcast as an act of censorship.
  • Shortly after Steve Bannon’s podcast did an interview with Rudy Giuliani on the subject of potential “election fraud” in the 2020 election, YouTube suspended the podcast. Reported by Business Insider, The Independent, The Wrap and others.

  • Forbes Editor warns companies about hiring former Trump administration officials.
  • Forbe’s magazines chief content officer, Randall Lane, issued a stark warning to companies that might be considering the hiring of outgoing Trump Administration officials. See the Full Story at The Wrap, 01/11/2020.

  • Google and Apple both suspend “free speech” App Parler from their App Stores.
  • As a continuing evidence of censorship by proxy, both Google and Apple have suspended Parler from their App Stores, effectively killing the “free speech” App.

  • Harvard removes republican Lawmaker Elise Stefanik from Advisory Committee.
  • More evidence that the cancel culture is alive and well. Harvard has announced that it has removed Republican Elise Stefanik from its Advisory Committee. See full story by Politico.

  • Major US Companies that sent money to Black Lives Matter (BLM) Global Network Foundation.
  • According to published reports, Amazon committed $10 million, Microsoft $250K, Coca-Cola $500K, Airbnb $500K and the list goes on. We have a list of several hundred companies that have either donated money to BLM or voiced support for BLM and its mission.

  • Big Tech censors The Babylon Bee, a satirical conservative website.
  • In 3/2022 the Babylon Bee Twitter account was suspended for referring to a transgender woman as a “man”. In point of fact, the person, Dr. Rachel Levine is a biological MAN. Censorship is alive and well in Big Tech.

  • Horse Trainer Eric Grillot was banned for naming a horse “Grape Soda” which is considered a “racist name” by some of the cancel culture.
  • Horse trainer Eric Grillot was barred from New York race tracks after it was discovered that he had a horse named “Grape Soda”, which happens to be his reported favorite drink. The cancel culture came down on him and banned him from New York tracks, saying that “Grape Soda” was a racist term. Full story may be found at and other sources, 01/9/2021.

  • Publisher Simon & Schuster cancelled US Senator Josh Hawley’s upcoming book on the “Tyranny of Big Tech” as part of cancel culture.
  • Simon & Schuster cancelled US Senator Josh Hawley’s book publication titled the “Tyranny of Big Tech” after apparent pressure from leftist radicals. See full story at New York Times, 01/07/2021 and other sources. Fortunately, Senator Hawley has found another publisher.

  • New York Governor Cuomo signs law banning sale of Confederate Flags from being sold on State Property.
  • As reported on 12/18/2020 Governor Cuomo signed a law banning the sale of Confederate Flags and other symbols on State Property. It was not clear if future bans would also include China, Iran, North Korea, Islamic State and other terrorist symbols. No information was available at the time of this writing, but it appears that only Confederate and Nazi flags are included in the ban. See full story by The Associated Press on 12/18/2020. Other sources are also available.

  • Actress Gina Carano is victim of “cancel culture” for social media post.
  • As reported on 02/10/2021, Gina Carano of Mandalorian fame or Star Wars galaxy has been fired by Lucasfilms and UTA. She gained attention when she had social media postings that questioned the scientific basis behind Mask Mandates and alledged voter fraud in the 2020 US Election. She was then targeted by leftist elements. The cancel culture was successful as she was eventually fired. See full story at The Hollywood Reporter, 01/08/2021 and other sources.

  • Pfizer excludes Asian, white applicants from 9-year scholarship program.
  • As reported on 9-1-22 Pfizer has launched a new “Breakthrough Fellowship Program”. The article describes a number of requirements for applicants to the program. Included is meeting a Pfizer goal of “increasing the pipeline for Black/African American, Latino/Hispanic and Native Americans”. This leaves out Asian and white applicants. Lawyers contacted by the author of the article commented that Pfizer has a “clear case of liability” under federal law, including Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act which prohibits racial discrimination in employment. For details see the full article by Carl Samson, at NEXTSHARK, 9-1-22.

  • Biden Administration to distribute $50 Billion ’Chips Fund’ based on race and gender.
  • As reported on 9-7-22 the US Commerce Department announced plans to prioritize “underrepresented” business owners, including women and racial minorities when distributing $50 Billion in federal funding for the semiconductor industry provided by the recent CHIPS act. Companies must also provide “spillover benefits” to their community such as housing, environmental and training benefits. See the Daily Caller article from 9-7-22 by John DeMastri for full details.

  • Biden Administration wanted to create a Disinformation Governance Board.
  • As reported on 8-25-22 the US Department of Homeland Security had planned to create an Orwellian “Ministry of Truth” to identify and target sources of misinformation (in THEIR opinion). This would have been a major assault on free speech and is the type of thing you would find in North Korea and other dictatorships. After their plans were leaked and the resulting public backlash put heat on them, DHS Secretary Mayorkas took steps to dissolve the Board. See a Daily Mail article by Katelyn Caralle for additional details.

If you are as tired of these “unchecked” radical elements as we are, come join the BroomsMen and let’s see if we can change things. See our Membership Requirements for details.
