First of All ...

BroomsMen.Org is for people that are willing to get off the sidelines and get in the game. To take “action”. If you only want to “complain” about things from the comfort of your couch ... you are at the wrong place. This is for those that are willing to stand on a picket line in front of a Woke Business, protect a Historical Monument, attend a School Board Meeting, hold a protest event at a Courthouse ... and more. If you are not willing to actually do something to help save America, BroomsMen.Org is probably not for you. You don’t need to read any further.

Protest Sign Image

What We Are ...

We are a “Mobilization” platform. BroomsMen.Org is a platform that can bring together Individuals, Local Clubs, and Regional Organizations into a grass-roots movement of Patriotic American Citizens to more easily identify issues, plan, coordinate and schedule peaceful events, protests, boycotts and community actions. We CAN make America a better place if we work together.

Napoleon Quote

This will enable us to respond rapidly to those that would spread misinformation, disrespect the American Flag, destroy historical landmarks-monuments, trample on civil/religious liberty and damage the very fabric of society. We strive to be non-partisan and work to hold all Politicians to their solemn oath when they took office “... to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic ...”. Learn about us HERE.

What We Are NOT ...

We are NOT a political party, a lobbyist organization or a charity. We are not sponsored by Industry, Labor Unions, Celebrities, Sports Figures or Religious Organizations. We are NOT a news organization although we do comment on bias and inaccurate reporting of the news.

We do NOT endorse/support a particular political party or candidate. We work to help ALL citizens take action and have their voices heard in support of an “America First” world view, support for the US Constitution and Bill-of-Rights, pride in the American Flag and fairness/equality in the social fabric of American society. Click HERE to review the strategies we will employ to accomplish our objectives.

How We Do It ...

Where possible we have designed our methodology to be independent of Social Media Giants and Big Tech. We don’t rely on them to “get the message out”. As a safeguard to censorship, we host our own website, on our own Servers, in our own facility, that is out of reach of Big Tech and Deep State actors.

When the Government, Big Tech and Big Media seem to collude in controlling the “narrative” (what we read, see and hear) it is difficult for everyday Americans to get the straight story. At BroomsMen.Org, we provide resources that allow you to educate yourself on the issues and then mobilize, get involved with others and have your voice heard.

We provide an “internal” messaging system for communication with other BroomsMen. It is a hybrid system that is a cross between email and text and only available to BroomsMen Members. All conversations are encrypted and automatically deleted after 10 days.

We respect User PRIVACY and do NOT use “cookies” or web beacons (Trackers) on our website (cookies/trackers allow Big Tech to track your every move).

Our website is Ad Free, no advertising and we are not trying to sell you anything.

We provide a Reference Listing of other Organizations that are in alignment with the goals and objectives of the BroomsMen Movement. We have “LINKS” to their Websites, Blogs, Podcasts, Substack Articles and more. For more information, see the FAQ Page or our Reference Provider Page. We want you to get involved with Organizations in YOUR area.

Tools to Sponsor & Schedule Events

When you become a BroomsMen, you will have access to a “clickable” map that will enable you to sponsor “events”, schedule your event on a nationwide calendar (so others can join you) and see details of all events that are planned in YOUR state or region. This will make it easy to participate in events in your area.

Clickable Event Map

Contact Elected Representatives

We provide a feature that will allow you to send an “email” or place a phone call to an elected member of Congress (Senator or House of Representatives). We try to make it easy to voice your opinion. We also provide you access to the US Government website where you can see the legislation and voting record of your representatives.

Content Image

Exposing Mis-Information

We regularly review Media, Industry and Government reports for instances of mis-information or Mis-information By Omission (MBO). “Mis-information By Omission” is the situation where critical details/facts seem to be purposely left out of the reporting.

Content Image

“Bad Behavior” Database

We maintain a database of people that have engaged in unPatriotic and unAmerican behavior (as judged by BroomsMen Membership). The list typically contains Politicians, News Personalities, Celebrities, Sports Figures, Government Employees, Corporate Executives and those in the “Public Eye”. These individuals have drawn attention because their actions are considered bad behavior or they have made unPatriotic or unAmerican statements in TV Interviews, Print Media or Social Media Postings. We also consider people that donate money to Radical/unPatriotic Organizations or Destructive Social Causes to be engaging in Bad Behavior.

We recommend all members to review our list to see if anyone you currently support has engaged in Bad Behavior. We think bad behavior should not go un-noticed and without consequence.

Content Image

Worst Journalist Nominations

These Individuals or Organizations have been nominated by the BroomsMen Membership to compete for the “Top 10 Worst Journalist” Award. This honor is awarded annually to those journalists that are judged to provide the most biased reporting, mis-information, half-truths and unAmerican propaganda. Members have voted to nominate these individuals to compete for the Worst Journalist in America award.

Worst Journalist Panel
Pictures of nominees

Your Voice Counts ...

Our objective is to make sure that incidents like the examples below do not go unchallenged. We provide tools to help hold events, demonstrations, protests, pickets, boycotts and more. We must hold politicians accountable and confront those that seek to destroy America from within. Standing by and doing nothing is the same as saying it is “Ok” ... and it is NOT “Ok”.

Help us identify Companies and Organizations that have engaged in unPatriotic and unAmerican behavior. Nominate them to be posted on our Wall-of-Shame. In this way we send a message to all BroomsMen Members that these companies should be targeted for boycott, social media commentary, protests and more. We identify major customers, advertisers and stockholders of these “bad boys” to make sure the Membership is informed.

Example of a Wall-of-Shame panel

Join the movement NOW. Get involved in something that is bigger than all of us. If we do this right, you will be able to tell your grandchildren that you were a BroomsMen and you helped save America. Are you ready to start “sweeping”? Time is of the essence.

Please encourage your friends, neighbors and co-workers to become BroomsMen. Help us build a “ground game”. We can create an unstoppable movement. Imagine if, on any given weekend, BroomsMen Events are held in 50 cities around the US. We can change the world.

Portland Riots

Riots in Towns and Cities

Riots and looting may become the “new normal” when radical groups don't get their way. If we have a breakdown in civil society, there simply are not enough Police to stop everything. Until “we” the public get involved, confront the Politicians that let it happen, protect our neighborhoods and support the Police this will continue. Examples HERE.

Mt. Rushmore

Historical Landmarks at risk

We cannot stand by and allow our historical heritage to be damaged or destroyed by groups of rioters supported by unpatriotic politicians. When possible we must take steps to protect our heritage. In recent events, rioters have defaced statues of Lincoln, Jefferson and Washington ... 3 of the 4 Presidents on Mt. Rushmore. What is next? Mt. Rushmore itself? Examples HERE.

Cancel Culture

Cancel Culture Ideology

Cancel Culture (Social Terrorism), Identity Politics and Political Correctness now makes ordinary Americans fearfull to speak out. People have lost their jobs and been vilified in the Media for simply attending a political event or expressing an opinion that is not in alignment with the “leftist agenda”. If we don’t protect the basic rights of free speech we are heading down the road of a Totalitarian Regime. Examples HERE.

These examples should scare you!

  • Social Media Giants and Big Tech have demonstrated selective “bias” by suspending user accounts and removing content that does not fit their biased world view. We now have censorship by proxy.
  • Fairfax Virginia. The Fairfax County School Board voted (Yr 2022) to make it possible for students as young as the fourth grade to be suspended for “malicious misgendering”. This means a student can be suspended from school for calling another student (biological male) “he/him” if that other student wants to be called a female “she/her”. Talk about confusing our children!
  • USC professor was placed on leave after black students complained his pronunciation of a Chinese word, in a language class, sounded like a racial slur and affected their mental health.
  • Idaho School Board (Caldwell School District) shuts down parents at a School Board Meeting as they express outrage over a proposed school policy that will allow biological boys to use girls’ locker rooms and restrooms. So the School District seems to think it is “OK” for 16 year old Boys to watch 14 year old girls undress in a locker room? Who are these people? How can they possibly think this is a “good idea”?
  • The “political correctness” in our society has gone too far ... with the renaming of Sports Teams, Mascots, Food Products, Schools, Parks and Military Installations. Where will it stop? Who decides?
  • In October 2021 California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a LAW that mandates all new cars sold in the state shall be “non-polluting” (electric) by 2035. California has already banned the sale of off-road gasoline equipment after January 2024. This includes portable generators, pressure washers, lawn mowers, weed-eaters, chainsaws and more. If this is not stopped, eventually they will come after your 4-Wheeler, your Motorcycle, your 1966 Chevelle SS396 muscle car and more. And if that doesn’t get you, they will probably “tax” gasoline so high you can’t afford it.
  • In some areas of the Country you can be charged with a “hate crime” simply by exercising your right of free speech.
  • Government Officials ... including Congressmen, FBI, DHS and Others have conspired with Big Tech to suspend Social Media Accounts and remove content of Users that THEY don’t like. This is in clear violation of Federal Law. So much for Free Speech.
  • The democratic Governor of Washington State recently signed a law (July 2022) that will ban the sale of ammunition magazines that hold more than 10 rounds. Importing, distributing and manufacturing them is also outlawed. The 2nd Amendment is clearly under assault.
  • Public officials called for the teaching of Critical Race Theory and Sexual Identity Grooming to children as young as kindergartners.
  • There have been many instances where Teams and Professional Athletes have shown disrespect for the American Flag. These Teams, Players and their Sponsors should be exposed and held to account for their actions.
  • CEO of a company lost his job after he was accused of not showing “enough support” to the BLM Movement.
  • Statues and landmarks of historical figures have been damaged and removed. Anarchist Groups and Radical Politicians have indicated they would like to remove monuments of Lincoln, Washington, Jefferson and other key figures of American history.
  • Movie Studios that produce childrens “content” and TV Shows are reportedly encouraged to include LGBTQ+ characters and homosexual situations. It seems that they realize children are easily influenced and are easy targets. Parents need to push back.
  • Some American politicians and US Companies look the other way when the Chinese Government (CCP) steals our technology and engages in economic war with the US. We have lost good manufacturing jobs as a result. We need to protest against American Companies and Politicians that do not adopt an “America First” approach. That will get their attention.
  • Grocery Store chain fires 2 workers who refused to wear an LGBT inspired Logo on their shirt, on religious grounds.
  • During BLM Protest, a business owner calls 911 to request protection because rioters were coming toward his business. Was told that Police would not come and they could not help him. His business was looted and burned.
  • Some states have suspended the 2nd Amendment rights of citizens and enacted Laws that allow them to confiscate firearms. Where does it stop?

Join the Movement ...

Membership is open to all Patriotic American citizens. To become a BroomsMen, see our Membership Tab to see if you qualify and meet the requirements. During registration you will create a Username and Password that will give you access to the Members Only area of the website. Learn about how BroomsMen came to be HERE.

In the current cancel culture environment, aptly referred to as ‘social terrorism’, we understand that some people may be reluctant to join for fear of being “outed” for supporting a Patriotic Movement. You may remain anonymous if you want. You do not have to use your “real” name when you register. We even have ways you can pay for your membership anonymously if you desire. More details are available in the Payment Options section.

In addition, if you want to become a BroomsMen ... but work for an Organization that may discriminate against you ... we have things you can do “in the shadows” that will enable you to participate, stay involved and earn advancement in BroomsMen Levels without having to expose yourself to the cancel culture. Then as we turn things around, you can come “out in the sunlight”.

Since we are primarily a Volunteer Group we will ask you about any “expertise” you may have that we could call upon, if needed. Perhaps you are law enforcement or former military, a sign maker, mechanic, firefighter, cook, engineer or software developer and so on. For example, if you have a legal background, we may ask you to help us with “permits”. If you have a military background, we may ask you to coordinate the peaceful deployment of BroomsMen to best protect a monument that is in danger of being attacked by a mob or help protect local neighborhoods and businesses from rioters that plan on destruction. See the Skills List section of the Membership Tab for complete details.


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