Mobilization Strategy

Strategy We Will Use

The strategy is two fold. (1) Promote patriotism by attending and/or hosting patriotic events in the local communities where we live and (2) bring the maximum pressure to bear on those that are unpatriotic, disrespect the American Flag, engage in destructive behavior (rioting & looting) and promote a social ideology that is counter to the US Constitution and Bill-of-Rights.

For the “unPatriotic” ... this can be Individuals, Companies, Sports Teams, Politicians, Schools/Universities and Political/Social Organizations. The public exposure that goes with peaceful BroomsMen demonstrations and the associated reporting by News Media can create a “consequence” to those that seek to disrespect America and the values upon which it was founded. If we do this right, we can create “good press” for the BroomsMen by attending Patriotic Events and create “bad press” and a Social Media backlash against organizations that are NOT patriotic or engage in destructive behavior.

We will use these actions to achieve our objectives.

Peaceful Protest

A well planned peaceful protest can get media exposure that will bring attention to the issue.


A publicly announced boycott can force companies to change behavior. Hit them in the wallet.


Media exposure of pickets at Company Offices can encourage companies to change behavior.

Safeguard Monuments

Demonstration of support for historical monuments can stop radicals from attempting removal.

Confront Politicians

Vote them out. Conduct protest events against select Politicians. Expose unpatriotic politicians. Be relentless.

Community Support

Show up and lend support to local groups that assist Veterans, Police Officers, Volunteer Fire Departments and other organizations that benefit the community.

Pro-America Education

Work to ensure that School Boards and the Education System does not indoctrinate our children with anti-American and unPatriotic concepts.

Economic Nationalism

Promote “Made in America” manufacturers and products. The objective is to encourage US based manufacturing to the benefit of the American worker.

Election Integrity

Promote “Free & Fair” verifiable election laws. Get involved as Precinct Workers, Poll Watchers and Election Officials to ensure fair elections.

Examples of Actions/Activities we should challenge

The following examples are just SOME of the actions that we should challenge. If we stand by and do nothing, it is the same as saying it is “Ok”. Additional examples may be found HERE.

  1. Too much “Political Correctness”.
  2. We have gone too far when we are renaming schools, changing the names of Mascots, changing the names of food products and more. There are even proposals to change gender designation of products ... such as male/female electrical plugs (I kid you not).

  3. Loss of US based manufacturing jobs.
  4. US Companies have closed/moved hundreds of plants to foreign countries and laid off thousands of US Workers. In most cases, these companies have moved manufacturing to China, Mexico and other countries instead of investing in the USA. We should call out these companies and promote the “Made in America” brand.

  5. Sports Teams “taking a knee” during the National Anthem.
  6. There is a time/place for protests and political agendas. But disrespecting the American Flag is NOT the appropriate way to do it. We should consider Picketing the corporate offices of Sports Teams, boycotting games, boycotting “television sponsors” that advertise when games are broadcast and more. In addition, we should find out what companies have purchased the “Sky Boxes” at the stadiums and picket them for supporting “unpatriotic” players and Teams. Hitting these offenders in the wallet will get their attention.

  7. Politicians Removing Statues of historical figures.
  8. History is history. Some may not like it, but that does not mean we pretend it didn't happen. In the course of the last 50,000 years humans have engaged in wars of conquest and slavery. Slavery ended only 150 years ago. So, for most of human history, slavery was accepted. Slavery was not confined to Africa, it was worldwide, across all societies. Most people today, if you could trace your past back far enough you would likely find that at some point, your descendants were either slaves or slave owners (or both). Perhaps they were Roman Slaves or Egyption Slaves or Greek Slaves or Viking Slaves or Chinese Slaves and so on. African Tribes had slaves from other African tribes that they defeated in battle. If your descendants were ever on the losing side of a war ... then they may have been slaves at some point because the winners either killed the losers, took them as slaves or sold them as slaves. That is just how it was.

    We have current Politicians that want to remove all statues of anyone associated with slavery in America. There are proposals made by some radical politicians to remove statues of Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln and others. We need to stop this.

  9. Erasing History.
  10. Over 150 years ago, America went through a Civil War. There are elements of our society that want to pretend it never happened and to remove traces of our past. Although it may have been a "dark chapter" in American History, we should not destroy our historical past, it is part of who we are as a nation.

  11. Educational System teaching a biased view of America.
  12. Look at any History Book being used in our current schools. Most portray America in a “bad light” and/or teach a biased world view. We should challenge school districts (and local politicians) to teach a fair and non-biased curriculum.

  13. Gun Ownership and 2nd Amendment Rights.
  14. Several cities/states have initiatives to restrict the rights of citizens to gun ownership. Whether it is firearm registration, “Red Flag Laws”, magazine/clip size restrictions, ammunition purchases or Gun Show sales ... all of these actions seek to slowly erode the 2nd Amendment Rights of citizens. If we don't push back on these initiatives, one day we will find that we have lost our Rights.

  15. Protecting business and property from rioting and looters.
  16. When possible we should take actions to protect property, business and historical monuments from damage by rioting and looting. In some areas the Police are overwhelmed or instructed to “stand down” when rioting and looting is taking place. We should attempt to assist local business owners in protecting their property and livelihood.

Part of the responsibility of a BroomsMen is to identify groups, politicians and individuals that seek to destroy the fabric of the nation and challenge them at every turn.
