BroomsMen Requirements

Membership Requirements

To become a BroomsMen (a member of BroomsMen.Org) you must satisfy the following requirements. We can terminate your membership at any time if we determine you have willfully violated our Code of Conduct or have acted in a manner that does not represent the best interests of

You must be able to answer “Yes” to these 7 questions:

  1. Are you at least 18 years old?
  2. Are you an American Citizen?
  3. Do you own an American Flag?
  4. Do you support the role Law Enforcement has in maintaining a civil society governed by the rule of law?
  5. Do you agree that the 2nd Amendment to the US Constitution gives you the right to bear arms?
  6. Will you support the objectives of the Founding Fathers as enshrined in the US Constitution and Bill of Rights?
  7. Do you identify as either a Male or Female in agreement with your DNA?

Initiation Fee and Annual Membership

Our philosophy is simple. We charge a Membership Fee because we want you to have “skin in the game”. If it gives you heartburn to pay $50/yr to be part of a MOVEMENT then you certainly won’t get in your car and travel 100 miles to attend a BroomsMen Event. We would rather have a few Members that are willing to get involved and step up than a thousand people that sit on the sidelines. If we gave it away for free we would have to put annoying ads on our website, spend time on filtering out millions of “bots-trolls” and marketing our data sets. That would take away from our core mission ... helping Patriotic Americans find a voice.

Initiation and Membership Fees from individuals are our only source of money. We are not backed by a Billionaire, Social Media Giant, Political Organization or Lobby Group. We do not sell you anything or post Ads on our website to generate revenue. However, we still must pay for office rent, data center costs, legal, accounting, Tech Support and so on. The money we raise goes to support operating expenses and the Mission of BroomsMen.Org.

  • One time Initiation Fee = $50.00 USD
  • Annual Membership Fee = $50.00 USD

To join BroomsMen.Org for the first time ... will cost $100 USD. Then it will be $50/Yr for each year after that. We set the initial cost at $100 because we don’t think a member of a Radical or Socialist group would pay money to be inside our BroomsMen Network. The same goes for internet trolls, hackers and spammers.

Are you willing to pay $50/yr (~$4/mon) to be part of a movement that may save America from the radicals, socialists and anarchists? We hope you will choose to join us.

BroomsMen Registration

Access to the BroomsMen Web Portal

During the Registration Process, you will create a Username/Password that gives you access to a portion of the website that is restricted to BroomsMen Members only. This will allow you to do the following:

  • Use our scheduling tools to propose and schedule events in your area.
  • Use a “Members Only” internal messaging system to communicate with other BroomsMen (a hybrid system that is a cross between Email and Text). This remains outside the reach of Big Tech and Deep State actors.
  • Review a nationwide Calendar of BroomsMen Events and receive notifications of scheduled events in your City/State.
  • Access the full list of US Congress Politicians (Senate and House of Representatives). We make it easy to call or send them an email to make your voice heard. Hold them accountable for their votes and spending YOUR taxpayer money.
  • Identify and nominate Companies, Sports Teams, Colleges/Universities and Organizations that have engaged in unPatriotic or unAmerican activities for posting on our Wall-of-Shame.
  • Identify and nominate Journalists, News Anchors, Reporters and Talk Show Hosts for recognition to receive the Worst Journalist in America annual award. They will be posted on our “Worst Journalist” page and you can vote monthly for the worst journalist of your choice.
  • Access the Bad Behavior Database. This is a national database of Politicians, News Personalities, Celebrities, Government Employees, Corporate Executives and those in the “Public Eye” that have made unPatriotic or anti-American statements in TV Interviews, Print Media or Social Media Postings.
  • Vote on which PROPOSED events should become APPROVED events and put on the nationwide calendar.
  • Sign up to attend an event and put it on your “personal” calendar.
  • Upload tips and intelligence information about unpatriotic Companies, Organizations, Individuals or Deep State actors. Put out your “feelers” and let us know what is going on in your world. This information is only available to the BroomsMen Leadership Team and is purged from our Servers after a few days, leaving no trace.
  • Update your Skills Inventory so we can know your expertise in certain areas in case we have a need for your skill.
  • Let us know if you have a disability and will need help at an event. We will then try to match you with another attendee that can assist you.
  • View which Groups/Chapters are sponsoring events ... such as a Patriotic Motorcycle Club doing a ride.
  • We provide a Reference Listing of other Organizations that are in alignment with the goals and objectives of the BroomsMen Movement. We have “LINKS” to their Websites, Blogs, Podcasts, Substack Articles and more.
  • View the type of event (ie Protest, Boycott, Safeguard Monuments, Election Integrity, etc.).
  • Volunteer to do a variety of tasks for BroomsMen.Org.
  • Update your BroomsMen Profile to get credit for event attendance that qualifies you for Iron, Silver and Gold membership levels.

You will access the BroomsMen Member section of the website as shown below. This can be via a Desktop Computer or a Mobile Device.


Code of Conduct during Events

Our objective is to stage peaceful demonstrations, gatherings and events by using our Constitutional rights of “assembly” and “free speech”. Remember that most (all) events will be covered by the News Media. Some may be looking for any reason to portray Patriotic Americans in a negative light. The following list are some general guidelines (not inclusive).

  • We should be respectful of Law Enforcement and their instructions. Recognize that they are just doing their job.
  • Feel free to bring American Flags and Revolutary War Era flags (such as Don’t Tread on Me, and others). Flags of the State where you live (ie Texas, Ohio, etc) are also “Ok”.
  • Veterans Groups flags, POW-MIA Flags and other US Patriotic Flags are permitted.
  • No flags of other countries, such as Canada, Mexico, etc.
  • No flags of other Groups/Organizations such as Black Lives Matter, Rainbow Coalition, LGBTQ, Islamic State, Antifa, Communist Party, US Political parties (Democrat, Republican), Labor Unions, Nazi or Civil War Era Confederate Flags. We cannot list them all here, but you get the idea.
  • No rioting, looting, burning of cars and buildings. We want to show a clear difference between us and radical groups.
  • No defacing of statues or monuments.
  • No firearms, weapons, flammable liquids or explosive devices (fireworks) may be brought to an event. Even if you have a Conceal/Carry Permit we do not want you to bring a weapon. The only exception will be Certified Law Enforcement Officers functioning in the capacity of Security Personnel. These persons will be selected and designated prior to the event and known to attendees as authorized personnel. They will only carry sidearms, no long guns.
  • All BroomsMen Members should bring a “Broom” of your choice. It can be whatever you have, but we would recommend something similar to what is shown on our logo.
  • Feel free to bring signs, placards, banners and similar display materials. Text should be informative, non-threatening and suitable for all audiences.
  • No signs, placards or banners with vulgar language, racial or ethnic slurs, or targeting of any minority group.

Since most (all) events will be covered by the News Media we need to be aware that Radical Groups with an “agenda” will attempt to infiltrate our events and cause trouble. The purpose of these Groups is to make the BroomsMen “look bad” in the eyes of the Public. This may include activities such as keeping a sign, banner or flag hidden and then unfurl it at the last moment in front of the News Media. We should be aware that some news organizations may also be involved in “staging” this type of behavior.

If you see or are aware of violations of our BroomsMen “Code of Conduct” please notify event organizers so the materials or person(s) can be removed. If that is not possible/feasible, then try to remove it or block the view of the offensive material until help arrives.
