Contributor Provider

Content Contributor

BroomsMen.Org is a “Mobilization Platform”. We do not create original content, publish a Newsletter or host a PodCast. We rely on OTHERS to identify issues and educate our Membership about those that are unpatriotic, disrespect the American Flag, engage in destructive behavior (rioting & looting), weaponize the legal system, sexualize our children, undermine voter integrity and promote a social ideology that is counter to the US Constitution and Bill-of-Rights.

This can be Individuals, Companies, Journalists, School Boards, Sports Teams, Politicians, Schools/Universities and Political/Social Organizations.

Your job is to educate the membership and identify issues that they can use to organize a response. BroomsMen.Org can become a “one stop shop” for available resources. A Contributor is much more than simply a Reference. As a Contributor we expect you to provide current commentary on the issues of the day with updates at least weekly and preferably more often. The time for sitting on the sidelines is over. The time for ACTION is now!

How it Works and How to get Started

The following sections will outline what it means to be a Content Contributor and the mechanics of signing up and managing your Account.

  1. It is Free
  2. There is no charge to be a Content Contributor.

  3. I notice there is a charge to be a BroomsMen. Do I have to ALSO sign up for a BroomsMen Membership?
  4. No ... You can be a contributor without signing up to be a BroomsMen. It is “optional”. We would recommend it, but it is not required. It will have no impact on how/where your information is displayed. To view what a typical entry would look like, check out our Contributor Sample Page.

  5. Who is eligible to be a Content Contributor?
  6. Pretty much anyone. If you have something to say and want to say it to those in the BroomsMen Movement, this is the place. If you have a Website, Blog or Podcast this may give you additional reach (did we mention it is FREE?).

  7. We only have 6 Contributor spots available.
  8. As you will notice on the Contributor Sample Page we only have 6 spots that we post Contributor Content. The content is posted about halfway down the Member Homepage. Since the demand for a spot will always be greater than the 6 available, we must make the hard decisions on who gets posted. We try to have a variety of subject matter experts that cover topics/issues that are of interest to the BroomsMen Membership. A typical access period for a Contributor defaults to one year but can be shorter or longer depending on feedback from the Membership.

  9. What we are looking for.
  10. We are looking for people and organizations that have websites that will enable BroomsMen Members the ability to access additional information on topics that further the BroomsMen Mission and Strategy. This can be Community Organizations, Educational Websites, Blogs, Substack articles, Podcasts, Rumble/YouTube Videos and more.

    Examples of Organizations and Issues:

    • Patriotic Organizations.
    • Organizations dedicated to ensuring our Constitutional Rights are protected.
    • Organizations that track Government waste and abuse.
    • Parent Organizations that combat destructive social causes (ie sexualization of children in school).
    • Podcasts that highlight issues of the day.
    • Organizations dedicated to ensuring free and fair elections.
    • Organizations focused on Educational Excellence in our Schools.
    • Organizations that support Veterans, Law Enforcement and First Responders.
    • Subject matter experts related to the Economy, Financial Markets and American Jobs.
    • Commentary on Big Tech, Censorship and Cancel Culture.
    • Commentary on the CDC, Vaccinations, Drug Companies, etc.
    • Commentary on the Political Swamp, Nepotism and Lobbyists.

  11. Organizations not allowed.
  12. BroomsMen.Org is promoted as non-partisan. For this reason we do not accept Candidate Campaign Organizations or “official” political party organizations such as Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Socialist and so on. Your organization may have political objectives that are aligned with a particular political party, that is “OK”. Our issue is that we do NOT endorse a particular party or candidate ... but endorse all that have an “America First” world view.

  13. Signing up ... Send us an email.
  14. To sign up, send us an email describing your Organization and provide a reference to your Website or Content. Do NOT include a “link” in your email as our Email Server will reject it as SPAM/Hacker. You can provide the Website name, just don’t use a hyperlink. Send your email to the User reference at our Website. If you are ALREADY a Reference you may use the internal message system to send a message to the Founder or Reference Support asking to become a Contributor.

  15. Signing up ... Review of your Content.
  16. Depending on workload, it may take 24 - 48 hours for us to review your Website/Content and get back to you with a determination. As stated above, since we can only accept 6 contributor spots, please understand that you may be rejected. If you receive a rejection, but would like to be placed on our waiting list, let us know and we can do that.

  17. Signing up ... Registration Key.
  18. Assuming everything checks out, we will issue you a Registration Key code. You will use this code to access our system and create a Contributor Account. This is a “one time” use code. You may access the Contributor Login Panel at the bottom of this page or click HERE. Go to the Create an Account item to begin the registration process.
