About Us

Mission Statement

Our mission is to provide a platform and technology that enables patriotic American Citizens to easily MOBILIZE and have their voices heard.

Where We Are Located

Our offices are in the heartland of America, about as far away as you can get from the East Coast and West Coast radicals. We are in a rural area generally referred to as “fly over country” by society elites. We think it is a great location, with good people and strong patriotic values ... Oh, and by the way, we are sitting on a high-speed fiber backbone that gives us the internet connectivity we need (even Google has located one of their Data Centers just a few miles away).

BroomsMen Location Map

Strategy We Will Use

More on our Strategy can be found HERE.

Peaceful Protest

A well planned peaceful protest can get media exposure that will bring attention to the issue.


A publicly announced boycott can force companies to change behavior. Hit them in the wallet.


Media exposure of pickets at Company Offices can encourage companies to change behavior.

Safeguard Monuments

Showing support for historical monuments can stop radicals from attempting removal.

Confront Politicians

Vote them out. Conduct protest events against select Politicians. Expose unpatriotic politicians. Be relentless.

Community Support

Show up and lend support to local groups that assist Veterans, Police Officers, Volunteer Fire Departments and other organizations that benefit the community.

Pro-America Education

Work to ensure that School Boards and the Education System does not indoctrinate our children with anti-American and unPatriotic concepts.

Economic Nationalism

Promote “Made in America” manufacturers and products. The objective is to promote US manufacturing to the benefit of the American worker.

Election Integrity

Promote “Free & Fair” verifiable election laws. Get involved as Precinct Workers, Poll Watchers and Election Officials to ensure fair elections.

BroomsMen Logo

Our Humble Story

During the spring and summer of the Year 2020, protests were staged in response to the death of a black man while in Police custody. Initially, the protests were peaceful demonstrations. However, as the days progressed, leaders of the protest movement became more radical and were influenced by outside Marxist and Anarchist Groups. Eventually, the peaceful protests became full fledged anarchy with rioting and looting in dozens of American cities. In some of the major cities, police were overwhelmed or made to “stand down” by local politicians. The net result was that sections of many cities were looted and burned with many local small businesses destroyed ... never to rebuild.

As rioting became more prevalent, with a corresponding absence of Police presence, the rioters became more aggresive. They turned their attention to defacing/destroying historical landmarks. These included statues and monuments of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln and many others. Some politicians silently stood by and allowed this to happen, not wanting to antagonize the rioters further. Click HERE to see reference articles. This demonstrated weakness by the political elite further emboldened the rioters causing a breakdown of civil society in some areas. Individual homeowners, small businesses and neighborhood community groups were forced to arm themselves to defend their own property when 911 calls to the Police would go unfilled.

There were many instances of heroism where individuals defended their businesses and homes from the rioters and looters. Many law abiding citizens wanted “something to be done” but did not have the resources to pull large groups of “like minded” people together. The big Social Media Platforms seemed to exercise “bias” in support of the protesters and would apply censorship to dissenting views. An alternative was needed.

Out of this chaos, “BroomsMen” was born.
The Founder recognized that Patriots needed a better way to organize people and resources, to support Law Enforcement, protect our homes and businesses, protect our historical heritage and put pressure on politicians and companies that “are part of the problem”.

BroomsMen Name & Logo

The role of a BroomsMen is to help “clean up” some of the issues facing American society. Therefore, we use the “Broom” as our symbol. Through a campaign of education, political pressure and direct “in your face” public demonstrations we can create a nationwide movement that will attract media exposure to the issues and help foster a dialog to arrive at solutions that benefit the American People.

In addition to using the “Broom” as our symbol, as a practical matter, it is also a multi-purpose tool that can be used during EVENTS. It can be used as a broom to help local residents “sweep and clean up” after riots and looting. It can also be used to hold Signs, Banners or arranged in a Phalanx Formation to protect statues and monuments. Can you picture 5,000 BroomsMen all showing up with their “brooms” to protect a statue of George Washington? That is a lot of potential for cleaning things up.

Requirements to become a BroomsMen

Organization Governance

The organization has a Charter and a set of By-Laws which spell out how the organization is to be governed. Our objective is to be a decentralized organization with independent Groups, Chapters, Clubs, and Members that use the BroomsMen.Org platform to accomplish mutual objectives. Our governing body is to be made up of 7 Directors that have attained the BroomsMen “Gold Level” status. Nominations for Director are submitted to the Board by other Gold Level voting members. Directors have a two year term with staggered elections held on an annual basis.

The following is a summary of the Structure

  1. BroomsMen Membership is open to all patriotic American Citizens. See the Requirements tab in the Membership Menu for details.
  2. We have 4 levels of BroomsMen membership categories. None, Iron, Silver and Gold.
  3. As you attain levels of Silver and Gold, we will send you a Baseball Cap with the BroomsMen Logo embroidered on the front in Silver or Gold color thread.
  4. All new members start at the “None” level. As you attend/sponsor events or participate in other ways (behind the scenes) you will earn “points” that will qualify you for the various BroomsMen Levels. Additional details may be found in the Members Section.
  5. To move “up” in BroomsMen Levels you must participate in “activities” such as those indicated in our Strategy Section. As you get credit for participation you will move up in levels. We do it this way because we want people in Leadership Positions that are serious about putting America on the right path. In this regard, all Members are equal. A person cannot make a “$$ donation” and get a seat on the Board. The only way to get there is to demonstrate commitment to the cause and participate. You get credit for “time spent” and not money spent.
  6. If you have a physical disability that may keep you from attending functions, that is “Ok”, we still have many activities that could use your help ... from placing telephone calls, working social media, scheduling events and the list goes on. If you want to join us, we have things you can do.
  7. Additional details and how we determine “participation” is further explained in the Member Section (available once you become a Member).
  8. We have a decentralized organization structure simply because we do not want the fate of the BroomsMen to rely on any “one” individual. The Founder recognizes that as BroomsMen become more prominent in the social order that he will be targeted by those that do not like what the BroomsMen are doing. The organization needs to be able to carry on without him.
  9. If you want to be on our Leadership Team, the only way to get there is to “earn” the right by showing you are a committed Patriotic American.

Get to know our Founder

The story behind BroomsMen.Org
With America facing some of the greatest challenges since our Republic was formed, our Founder decided to get off the sidelines and get in the game. Hear his story, he is just an average American Citizen, not much different from You!

© BroomsMen.org