
About the Wall-of-Shame

The Wall-of-Shame is a posting of companies and organizations that have been identified by the BroomsMen Membership to have engaged in unPatriotic and/or unAmerican activities. Any BroomsMen Member at the Silver or Gold Level may submit a company for posting. The Nomination Form will require a description of what the offending Company/Organization has done to justify their posting on the Wall-of-Shame. Once nominated, ALL members will have an opportunity to review the information and “vote” as to whether or not the offending company should be listed. It is recommended that Members boycott these companies, hold protest demonstrations (events) in front of their facilities and utilize the strategies listed HERE to make the companies pay a price for their unPatriotic actions.


Example of a Wall-of-Shame panel

Additional information, guidelines and examples

  • The Wall-of-Shame will identify offending companies by Name/Trademark Icon. BroomsMen Members are encouraged to boycott these companies. For details on what earned the company a spot on the Wall-of-Shame, simply “click” on the Icon and a panel will open with a description of the unPatriotic/unAmerican actions by this company. Further “drilling down” will provide information on Advertisers, Customers, Vendors, Major Stockholders and other companies represented by the Board-of-Directors of the offending company. All of these should be made to pay a price for the unPatriotic behavior of the offending company. Only by impacting Sales/Revenue/Earnings can we get their attention and change unAmerican behavior. Imagine if just 10 million people decide NOT to spend $10 dollars with a particular company during one Fiscal Quarter. A reduction of $100 Million in revenue during a Quarter could be a BIG deal. If we keep it up for 2 or 3 Quarters ... the CEO would probably lose his job. Point made!

  • When nominated for a posting on the Wall-of-Shame a User will enter specific data about the company. This will include Name, Address, Website URL, Stock ticker symbol, date of unPatriotic actions and a short description of what the company “did” to make them a candidate for the Wall. Optional information can also be entered to identify Board-of-Directors, advertisers, customers, vendors, major stockholders and others that remained “silent” about the unPatriotic actions of the offending company.

  • Generally, a posting on the Wall-of-Shame will remain “up” for 1 year or until the company changes its bad behavior. This will allow enough time to get the word out (Boycott, Protests, Events) and are able to see an effect on the Revenue/Earnings of the company and resulting impact on the Stock Price (if Publicly Traded).

  • Since the System has options to include the companies of Executives that may sit on the Board-of-Directors of the primary offender, this could be effective when listing some of the Tech Giants. They may be so large and influential that they may not care that we put them on a Boycott List. However, the Executives of “other” companies, that sit on the Board-of-Directors MAY CARE ... if they find that THEIR company is also targeted for boycott and exposure as being complicit in unPatriotic or unAmerican behavior.

  • Professional Sports Teams that have endorsed the unPatriotic activities of their players as it relates to the disrespect shown for the American Flag may be targeted in several ways. Boycott their products, don't buy tickets to their games, boycott companies that advertise during the games, identify and expose companies that purchase season tickets and “Stadium Sky Boxes” ... and more.

  • News Organizations and Social Media Giants that have demonstrated a clear political “bias” and instituted the censorship of opposing views are examples of behavior that is both unPatriotic and unAmerican. These Organizations should be held to account.

  • Companies and Organizations that have engaged in the “Cancel Culture” movement are prime targets for exposure and boycott. There are examples of Companies firing employees for questioning election results, or for attending a political rally, or expressing an “opinion” on a topic not in alignment with the radical left agenda. These companies have violated the spirit and intent of Patriotism and American values as enshrined in the U.S. Constitution.

  • Companies that promote “critical race theory”, “identity politics” or a host of other destructive leftist narratives should be exposed as unPatriotic and unAmerican.

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