We encourage any Organization, Subject Matter Expert, Blogger
or Podcast Host that is in alignment with the goals and objectives of the BroomsMen
Movement to “register” as a Reference on our Website. There is no charge (as in Free)
for the listing. We will provide you with access to a Reference Provider Portal that will
allow you to upload a Company Logo, craft a short description of what you do and
create a “link” to your Website/Blog/Podcast or Articles. This will allow
BroomsMen Members to follow your work and be better informed of “the issues of the day”.
Your job is to educate the membership and identify issues that they can
use to organize a response.
The following image shows how a REFERENCE would look when displayed on our website.
What “Your” content will look like as displayed on the webpage.
BroomsMen.Org is a platform for Americans to mobilize, get involved and have their voices heard.
We are a Mobilization Platform. We provide tools to bring together Individuals, Local Clubs and Regional Organizations into a grass-roots movement of Patriotic American Citizens to more easily plan, coordinate and schedule peaceful events.